Selasa, 08 Mei 2018

Surya Agung Pratama
Texas has executed far more people than any other US state, and one former employee of the state has watched hundreds of executions unfold. She speaks to Ben Dirs about the profound effect that had on her.
It is 18 years since Michelle Lyons watched Ricky McGinn die. But it still makes her cry.
When she least expects it, she'll see McGinn's mother, in her Sunday best, her hands pressed against the glass of the death chamber. Dressed to the nines to watch her son get executed. Some farewell party.
For 12 years - first as a newspaper reporter, then as a spokesperson for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) - it was part of Lyons' job to witness every execution carried out by the state.
Between 2000 and 2012, Lyons saw almost 300 men and women die on the gurney, violent lives being brought to a peaceful conclusion, two needles trumping the damage done.
Lyons witnessed her first execution when she was 22. After seeing Javier Cruz die, she wrote in her journal: "I was completely fine with it. Am I supposed to be upset?"
She thought her sympathy was best set aside for more worthy causes, such as the two elderly men Cruz bludgeoned to death with a hammer.
"Witnessing executions was just part of my job," says Lyons, whose cathartic memoir, Death Row: The Final Minutes, has just been published.
"I was pro-death penalty, I thought it was the most appropriate punishment for certain crimes. And because I was young and bold, everything was black and white.
"If I had started exploring how the executions made me feel while I was seeing them, gave too much thought to the emotions that were in play, how would I have been able to go back into that room, month after month, year after year?"
Since 1924, every execution in the state has taken place in the small east Texas city of Huntsville. There are seven prisons in Huntsville, including the Walls Unit, an imposing Victorian building which houses the death chamber.

In 1972, the Supreme Court suspended the death penalty on the grounds that it was a cruel and unusual punishment but within months some states were rewriting statutes to reinstate it.
Texas brought it back less than two years later and soon adopted lethal injection as its new means of execution. In 1982, Charlie Brooks was the first offender to be put to death by needles.
Crime makes Huntsville honest, and has earned it a reputation as the "capital punishment capital of the world". Certain journalists, usually from Europe, have written of the pervasive sense of death in the town, but they clearly arrived armed with an agenda.
Huntsville is a neat little place, set amid the beautiful Piney Woods, on the buckle of the Bible Belt. There are churches everywhere, the locals are polite, and you could spend a few days in the city without ever knowing it was where bad folk met their maker.
Whatever you imagine an execution witness to be like, Lyons isn't it. Over beers in Time Out Sports Bar - the sort of dive you might see on a documentary about a shooting in small-town America - Lyons speaks 19 to the dozen about any subject you fancy. Smart, cultured, and possessing a rapid-fire wit, she makes a mockery of that lazy British stereotype about Americans not doing irony. With Lyons, you bring your A game or get buried.
But when the conversation turns to the things she saw in the death chamber, sass gives way to vulnerability and it's not difficult to detect the toll it took.
In 2000, Texas carried out 40 executions, a record for the most in a single year by an individual state, and almost as many as the rest of United States combined.

Sunday Best = One's best and often most formal clothing. /  the best attire you have which is worn to church on Sunday

Dressed to the nines =  dressed in fancy or formal clothing / dressed beautifully

Everything was black and white = to have a simple view of what is right and wrong, or good and bad

Death by needles = Euthanasia / Punishment by injection of something deadly
On the buckle of the bible belt = spot where the Christian religious influence is particularly noticeable

Over beers = drinking 

Senin, 16 April 2018

Comparison in Translating

NASA's new planet-hunter to seek closer, Earth-like worlds

This NASA handout artist's rendition obtained March 25, 2018, shows the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), a NASA Explorer mission launching in 2018 to study exoplanets, or planets orbiting stars outside our solar system. (Handout/NASA/GSFC/AFP/-)

NASA is poised to launch a $337 million washing machine-sized spacecraft that aims to vastly expand mankind's search for planets beyond our solar system, particularly closer, Earth-sized ones that might harbor life.
The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, or TESS, is scheduled to launch Monday at 6:32 pm (2232 GMT) atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Its main goal over the next two years is to scan more than 200,000 of the brightest stars for signs of planets circling them and causing a dip in brightness known as a transit.
NASA predicts that TESS will discover 20,000 exoplanets -- or planets outside the solar system -- including more than 50 Earth-sized planets and up to 500 planets less than twice the size of Earth.
"They are going to be orbiting the nearest, brightest stars," Elisa Quintana, TESS scientist at NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center, told reporters on Sunday.
"We might even find planets that orbit stars that we can even see with the naked eye," she added. 
"So in the next few years we might even be able to walk outside and point at a star and know that it has a planet. This is the future." 
- Follow-on to Kepler -
Just a couple of decades ago, the notion of finding habitable planets -- or any planets at all -- was a mere fantasy, said Paul Hertz, astrophysics division director at NASA.
"Humans have wondered forever whether we were alone in the universe, and until 25 years ago the only planets we knew about were the eight in our own solar system," he told reporters on the eve of the TESS launch.
"But since then, we have found thousands of planets orbiting others stars and we think all the stars in our galaxy must have their own family of planets."
TESS is designed as a follow-on to the US space agency's Kepler spacecraft, which was the first of its kind and launched in 2009. The aging spacecraft is currently low on fuel and near the end of its life.
Kepler found a massive trove of exoplanets by focusing on one patch of sky, which contained about 150,000 stars like the Sun.
The Kepler mission found 2,300 confirmed exoplanets, and thousands more candidate planets. But many were too distant and dim to study further.
TESS, with its four advanced cameras, will scan an area that is 350 times larger, comprising 85 percent of the sky in the first two years alone.
"By looking at such a large section of the sky –- this kind of stellar real estate -- we open up the ability to cherry-pick the best stars to do follow-up science," said Jenn Burt, a postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 
"On average the stars that TESS observes are 30-100 times brighter and 10 times closer than the stars that Kepler focused on."
TESS uses the same method as Kepler for finding potential planets, by tracking the dimming of light when a celestial body passes in front of a star.
The next step is for ground-based and space telescopes to peer even closer.
The Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled to launch in 2020, should be able to reveal more about planets' mass, density and the makeup of their atmosphere -- all clues to habitability.
"TESS forms a bridge from what we have learned about exoplanets to date and where we are headed in the future," said Jeff Volosin, TESS project manager at NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center.
By focusing on planets dozens to hundreds of light-years way, TESS may enable future breakthroughs, he said.
"With the hope that someday, in the next decades, we will be able to identify the potential for life to exist outside the solar system."
Weather was expected to be 80 percent favorable for launch.

Google Translate:

NASA siap untuk meluncurkan pesawat ruang angkasa berukuran mesin cuci sebesar 337 juta dolar yang bertujuan untuk memperluas pencarian manusia ke planet-planet di luar tata surya kita, terutama yang lebih dekat, yang berukuran besar yang mungkin melindungi kehidupan. Satelit Satelit Transit Exoplanet, atau TESS, dijadwalkan untuk diluncurkan Senin pukul 18:32 (2232 GMT) di atas roket SpaceX Falcon 9 dari Cape Canaveral, Florida. Tujuan utamanya selama dua tahun ke depan adalah untuk memindai lebih dari 200.000 bintang paling terang untuk tanda-tanda planet yang mengelilingi mereka dan menyebabkan penurunan kecerahan yang dikenal sebagai transit. NASA memprediksi bahwa TESS akan menemukan 20.000 exoplanet - atau planet di luar tata surya - termasuk lebih dari 50 planet berukuran Bumi dan hingga 500 planet kurang dari dua kali ukuran Bumi.

"Mereka akan mengorbit bintang-bintang terdekat dan paling terang," kata Elisa Quintana, ilmuwan TESS di Goddard Spaceflight Center NASA, kepada wartawan, Minggu. "Kami bahkan mungkin menemukan planet yang mengorbit bintang yang bahkan bisa kita lihat dengan mata telanjang," tambahnya. "Jadi dalam beberapa tahun ke depan kita mungkin bisa berjalan keluar dan menunjuk bintang dan tahu bahwa itu memiliki planet. Ini adalah masa depan."
Hanya beberapa dekade yang lalu, gagasan menemukan planet layak huni - atau planet sama sekali - adalah fantasi belaka, kata Paul Hertz, direktur divisi astrofisika di NASA.

"Manusia bertanya-tanya selamanya apakah kita sendirian di alam semesta, dan sampai 25 tahun yang lalu satu-satunya planet yang kita tahu adalah delapan di tata surya kita sendiri," katanya kepada wartawan pada malam peluncuran TESS.

"Tapi sejak itu, kami telah menemukan ribuan planet yang mengorbit bintang lain dan kami pikir semua bintang di galaksi kita harus memiliki keluarga planet mereka sendiri."

TESS dirancang sebagai tindak lanjut dari pesawat ruang angkasa Kepler milik badan luar angkasa AS, yang merupakan yang pertama dari jenisnya dan diluncurkan pada tahun 2009. Pesawat antariksa yang menua saat ini rendah pada bahan bakar dan mendekati akhir masa hidupnya.

Kepler menemukan banyak sekali eksoplanet dengan memfokuskan pada satu patch langit, yang berisi sekitar 150.000 bintang seperti Matahari.

Misi Kepler menemukan 2.300 eksoplanet yang dikonfirmasi, dan ribuan planet kandidat lainnya. Tetapi banyak yang terlalu jauh dan suram untuk belajar lebih jauh.
 TESS, dengan empat kamera canggihnya, akan memindai area yang 350 kali lebih besar, terdiri dari 85 persen langit dalam dua tahun pertama saja. "Dengan melihat bagian besar dari langit - real estat bintang semacam ini - kami membuka kemampuan untuk memilih bintang-bintang terbaik untuk melakukan sains tindak lanjut," kata Jenn Burt, seorang rekan postdoctoral di Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
"Rata-rata bintang yang diamati TESS adalah 30-100 kali lebih terang dan 10 kali lebih dekat daripada bintang yang dipusatkan Kepler." TESS menggunakan metode yang sama seperti Kepler untuk menemukan planet-planet potensial, dengan melacak peredupan cahaya ketika sebuah benda angkasa melintas di depan bintang. Langkah selanjutnya adalah teleskop ruang angkasa dan ruang angkasa untuk mengintip lebih dekat. Teleskop Luar Angkasa Hubble dan Teleskop Luar Angkasa James Webb, yang dijadwalkan diluncurkan pada tahun 2020, seharusnya dapat mengungkapkan lebih banyak tentang massa, kerapatan dan susunan planet dari atmosfer mereka - semua petunjuk untuk dapat dilestarikan.
 "TESS membentuk jembatan dari apa yang telah kita pelajari tentang exoplanet hingga saat ini dan ke mana kita menuju di masa depan," kata Jeff Volosin, manajer proyek TESS di Goddard Spaceflight Center NASA. Dengan berfokus pada planet-planet lusinan hingga ratusan tahun cahaya, TESS dapat memungkinkan terobosan di masa depan, katanya. "Dengan harapan bahwa suatu hari nanti, dalam beberapa dekade mendatang, kita akan dapat mengidentifikasi potensi kehidupan yang ada di luar tata surya." Cuaca diperkirakan akan 80 persen menguntungkan untuk diluncurkan.

My Translate:

NASA siap untuk meluncurkan pesawat ruang angkasa berukuran mesin cuci sebesar 337 juta dolar yang bertujuan untuk memperluas pencarian tempat yang bias ditinggali manusia ke planet-planet di luar tata surya kita, terutama yang lebih dekat, yang berukuran seperti Bumi yang mungkin melindungi kehidupan.
Satelit Satelit Transit Exoplanet, atau TESS, dijadwalkan untuk diluncurkan Senin pukul 18:32 (2232 GMT) di  roket SpaceX Falcon 9 dari Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Tujuan utamanya selama dua tahun ke depan adalah untuk memindai lebih dari 200.000 bintang paling terang sebagai  tanda-tanda planet yang mengelilingi mereka dan menyebabkan penurunan kecerahan yang dikenal sebagai transit
NASA memprediksi bahwa TESS akan menemukan 20.000 exoplanet - atau planet di luar tata surya - termasuk lebih dari 50 planet berukuran Bumi dan hingga 500 planet kurang dari dua kali ukuran Bumi.
"Mereka akan mengorbit  disekitar bintang-bintang terdekat dan paling terang," kata Elisa Quintana, ilmuwan TESS di Goddard Spaceflight Center NASA, kepada wartawan, Minggu.

"Kami bahkan mungkin menemukan planet yang mengorbit pada  bintang yang bahkan bisa kita lihat dengan mata telanjang," tambahnya.

"Jadi dalam beberapa tahun ke depan kita mungkin bisa berjalan keluar dan menunjuk bintang dan tahu bahwa itu memiliki planet. Ini adalah masa depan."

Hanya beberapa dekade yang lalu, gagasan menemukan planet layak huni - atau planet apapun - adalah fantasi belaka, kata Paul Hertz, direktur divisi astrofisika di NASA.
"Manusia bertanya-tanya selama ini apakah kita sendirian di alam semesta, dan sampai 25 tahun yang lalu satu-satunya planet yang kita tahu adalah delapan di tata surya kita sendiri," katanya kepada wartawan pada malam peluncuran TESS.
"Tapi sejak itu, kami telah menemukan ribuan planet yang mengorbit di bintang lain dan kami pikir semua bintang di galaksi kita harus memiliki keluarga/rasi planet mereka sendiri."
TESS dirancang sebagai tindak lanjut dari pesawat ruang angkasa Kepler milik badan luar angkasa AS, yang merupakan yang pertama dari jenisnya dan diluncurkan pada tahun 2009. Pesawat antariksa yang menua saat ini rendah pada bahan bakar dan mendekati akhir masa hidupnya.

Kepler menemukan banyak sekali eksoplanet dengan memfokuskan pada satu bidang kecil dilangit, yang berisi sekitar 150.000 bintang seperti Matahari.

Misi Kepler menemukan 2.300 eksoplanet yang dikonfirmasi, dan ribuan planet kandidat lainnya. Tetapi banyak yang terlalu jauh dan kurang bersinar untuk pelajari lebih jauh.
TESS, dengan empat kamera canggihnya, akan memindai area yang 350 kali lebih besar, terdiri dari 85 persen langit dalam dua tahun pertama saja.

"Dengan melihat bagian besar dari langit - real estat bintang semacam ini - kami membuka kemampuan untuk memilih bintang-bintang terbaik untuk melakukan sains tindak lanjut," kata Jenn Burt, seorang rekan postdoctoral di Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

"Rata-rata bintang yang diamati TESS adalah 30-100 kali lebih terang dan 10 kali lebih dekat daripada bintang yang dipusatkan Kepler."

TESS menggunakan metode yang sama seperti Kepler untuk menemukan planet-planet potensial, dengan melacak peredupan cahaya ketika sebuah benda angkasa melintas di depan bintang. Langkah selanjutnya adalah teleskop ruang angkasa dan ruang angkasa untuk mengintip lebih dekat. Teleskop Luar Angkasa Hubble dan Teleskop Luar Angkasa James Webb, yang dijadwalkan diluncurkan pada tahun 2020, seharusnya dapat mengungkapkan lebih banyak tentang massa, kerapatan dan susunan planet dari atmosfer mereka - semua petunjuk untuk dapat dilestarikan. "TESS membentuk jembatan dari apa yang telah kita pelajari tentang exoplanet hingga saat ini dan ke mana kita menuju di masa depan," kata Jeff Volosin, manajer proyek TESS di Goddard Spaceflight Center NASA. Dengan berfokus pada planet-planet lusinan hingga ratusan tahun cahaya, TESS dapat memungkinkan terobosan di masa depan, katanya. "Dengan harapan bahwa suatu hari nanti, dalam beberapa dekade mendatang, kita akan dapat mengidentifikasi potensi kehidupan yang ada di luar tata surya." Cuaca diperkirakan akan 80 persen menguntungkan untuk diluncurkan.

Minggu, 15 Oktober 2017

Indirect Speech

Tugas 2 PBIBK
Children must be well protected, says Minister Puan at UN

Indonesia has emphasized the need to provide the best protection for children, an issue of particular importance in Indonesia, where 34 percent of the population, or 87 million people, are children.

In fact, by 2045, children will become the majority among the productive workforce in the country.

To provide such a protection, Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs Puan Maharani had this to say: “Indonesia happily accepts the role of the pathfinder in the global effort to protect children from violence and exploitation.”

Minister Puan made the remarks at the 72nd UN Summit, on Sept. 21, 2017, in a forum themed “The Roadmap for Just, Fair and Inclusive Society.” At the forum, Indonesia presented materials on the country’s efforts and achievements in child protection.

In her speech, Puan mentioned two points of progress the government of Indonesia has made in child protection. The first is the launch of the National Strategy for the Eradication of Violence against Children in 2016. One of the focuses of this strategy is to transform social norms and cultural practices that are permissive, justifying or indifferent towards violence; then to provide care for children that guarantees safety and affection of caregivers; and to improve the quality of supporting data and evidence on violence against children.

The second point of progress refers to the effort to create a conducive environment for children to grow. Puan explained: “This is achieved through the establishment of child-friendly schools, parks and playgrounds, school safety zones and child-friendly access to information and technology.”

Furthermore, the central government works closely with regional administrations and public figures.  “Some examples are child forums, family study centers and creative spaces for children established in all 34 provinces,” Puan added. These initiatives can encourage children to participate in social activities and development planning.

Minister Puan, representing Indonesia, noted that efforts to protect children from violence also should involve the smallest unit of society, the family. Hence, governments the world over needed to apply policies that support families, “notably to improve access to quality health care for mothers and children, basic education for children and economic empowerment for families,” Puan stated.

To realize and achieve the SDG 2030 agenda, especially the 16th agenda point, namely peace, fairness, and strong institutions, Puan encouraged all parties to protect and promote the rights of children and to end violence against children. “Our efforts are likely to bear fruit if we work in partnerships and collaboration among all stakeholders,” she said.

Lastly, Puan asserted Indonesia’s commitment to becoming involved in constructive action to protect and promote the rights of children. “Indonesia is committed to and encourages all parties to create a world where peace, justice and welfare are within everyone’s reach,” Puan concluded.

Taken from:

The Direct Speech
“Indonesia happily accepts the role of the pathfinder in the global effort to protect children from violence and exploitation."
“This is achieved through the establishment of child-friendly schools, parks and playgrounds, school safety zones and child-friendly access to information and technology.”
“Some examples are child forums, family study centers and creative spaces for children established in all 34 provinces,”
“Our efforts are likely to bear fruit if we work in partnerships and collaboration among all stakeholders,”
“Indonesia is committed to and encourages all parties to create a world where peace, justice and welfare are within everyone’s reach,”

The Indirect Speech
Puan Maharani said that Indonesia happily accepted the role of the pathfinder in the global effort to protect children from violence and exploitation.
Puan explained that it was achieved through the establishment of child-friendly schools, parks and playgrounds, school safety zones and child-friendly access to information and technology.
Puan added that some examples were child forums, family study centers and creative spaces for children established in all 34 provinces.
Puan said that their efforts were likely to bear fruit if they work in partnerships and collaboration among all stakeholders.
Puan concluded that Indonesia was committed to and encourages all parties to create a world where peace, justice and welfare are within everyone’s reach.

Minggu, 01 Oktober 2017


Tugas 1 PBIBK

Children must be well protected, says Minister Puan at UN

Indonesia has emphasized the need to provide the best protection for children, an issue of particular importance in Indonesia, where 34 percent of the population, or 87 million people, are children.

In fact, by 2045, children will become the majority among the productive workforce in the country.

To provide such a protection, Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs Puan Maharani had this to say: “Indonesia happily accepts the role of the pathfinder in the global effort to protect children from violence and exploitation.”

Minister Puan made the remarks at the 72nd UN Summit, on Sept. 21, 2017, in a forum themed “The Roadmap for Just, Fair and Inclusive Society.” At the forum, Indonesia presented materials on the country’s efforts and achievements in child protection.

In her speech, Puan mentioned two points of progress the government of Indonesia has made in child protection. The first is the launch of the National Strategy for the Eradication of Violence against Children in 2016. One of the focuses of this strategy is to transform social norms and cultural practices that are permissive, justifying or indifferent towards violence; then to provide care for children that guarantees safety and affection of caregivers; and to improve the quality of supporting data and evidence on violence against children.

The second point of progress refers to the effort to create a conducive environment for children to grow. Puan explained: “This is achieved through the establishment of child-friendly schools, parks and playgrounds, school safety zones and child-friendly access to information and technology.”

Furthermore, the central government works closely with regional administrations and public figures.  “Some examples are child forums, family study centers and creative spaces for children established in all 34 provinces,” Puan added. These initiatives can encourage children to participate in social activities and development planning.

Minister Puan, representing Indonesia, noted that efforts to protect children from violence also should involve the smallest unit of society, the family. Hence, governments the world over needed to apply policies that support families, “notably to improve access to quality health care for mothers and children, basic education for children and economic empowerment for families,” Puan stated.

To realize and achieve the SDG 2030 agenda, especially the 16th agenda point, namely peace, fairness, and strong institutions, Puan encouraged all parties to protect and promote the rights of children and to end violence against children. “Our efforts are likely to bear fruit if we work in partnerships and collaboration among all stakeholders,” she said.

Lastly, Puan asserted Indonesia’s commitment to becoming involved in constructive action to protect and promote the rights of children. “Indonesia is committed to and encourages all parties to create a world where peace, justice and welfare are within everyone’s reach,” Puan concluded.

Taken from:

The Direct Speech

  • “Indonesia happily accepts the role of the pathfinder in the global effort to protect children from violence and exploitation."
  • “This is achieved through the establishment of child-friendly schools, parks and playgrounds, school safety zones and child-friendly access to information and technology.”
  • “Some examples are child forums, family study centers and creative spaces for children established in all 34 provinces,”
  •  “Our efforts are likely to bear fruit if we work in partnerships and collaboration among all stakeholders,”
  • “Indonesia is committed to and encourages all parties to create a world where peace, justice and welfare are within everyone’s reach,”

- Carissa Puspa Kirana (12614281)
- Diah Sukmarani (12614963)
- Mufti Angelia Turang (16614875)
- Surya Agung Pratama (1A614524)
- Syahadati Giza Nugroho (1A614572)

Class: 4SA01

Lecture: Pembelajaran B.Ing Berbantuan Komputer#

Lecturer: Suci Budiwaty

Sabtu, 17 Juni 2017



1.      Make lists of 20 questions that you can ask in an interview.
v  Tell me about yourself
v  Tell me something that is not on your resume
v  What did you like and dislike about your previous job?
v  Why did you quit your previous job?
v  How did you find about this job?
v  What do you know about this company?
v  Why do you want this job?
v  Why should we hire you?
v  Why do you want to work in this company?
v  What are your strenghts and weaknesses?
v  Can you work in a group?
v  Can you work under pressure?
v  Are you willing to be placed outside the city?
v  What are your responsibilities?
v  What was your biggest accomplishment?
v  How do you handle stress?
v  What are you passionate about?
v  What are your goals in the future?
v  How do you overcome difficult work situation?
v  What are your salary requirement?

2.      Find lists of illegal questions (minimum 5 questions)
a.       Why each question is illegal?
b.      Explain how to answer the illegal question.

v  How old are you?
§  One of the most common interview questions you will encounter is, in fact, illegal to ask because this may lead to an age discrimination to the interviewee.
§  The best answer for age question might be “My age is not a measurement for how my work performance would be. It doesn’t matter if I am still young or old, I will do my best for this company.
v  Are you married?
§  We think it’s illegal because it’s too personal eventhough the employers often ask that question to get a picture on our future commitment to the company.
§  We think the best answer is “I am not quite there yet, but I’m very interested in the carreer path at this company.”
v  What is your race?
§   it is illegal for an interviewer to make hiring decisions based on the race which is very not-job-related.
§  The best answer might be “I believe my race doesn’t affect my performance in this company.”
v  What religious holidays do you practice?
§  Employers may want to ask you this to see if your lifestyle interferes with work schedules, but this question reveals your religion and that's illegal.
§  The best answer to this question might be “I practice one religion and it has its holiday but I am available for work most of the time.”
v  Have you ever been arrested?
§  This can be a tricky one. Interviewers are not allowed to ask about your arrest record. Unless you were convicted of a crime, you are considered innocent of any offence and you are not obligated to answer to this question. 
§  You have the rights not to answer this question. But if you have been convicted of crime, you are expected to give an answer.

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

Komunikasi Bisnis - Negotiation


1. What is negotiation
Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome over one or more issues where a conflict exists with respect to at least one of these issues.
This beneficial outcome can be for all of the parties involved, or just for one or some of them.
It is aimed to resolve points of difference, to gain advantage for an individual or collective, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests. It is often conducted by putting forward a position and making small concessions to achieve an agreement. The degree to which the negotiating parties trust each other to implement the negotiated solution is a major factor in determining whether negotiations are successful. In many cases, negotiation is not a zero-sum game, allowing for cooperation to improve the results of the negotiation.
In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best possible outcome for their position (or perhaps an organisation they represent). However, the principles of fairness, seeking mutual benefit and maintaining a relationship are the keys to a successful outcome.

The 5 Negotiation Styles are:

1. Competitive

Competitive personalities are results-driven. They are focussed and assertive in their communication and often aggressive. Competitive negotiators are strategic thinkers therefore have very little time for pleasantries.

2. Collaborative

Collaborative negotiators are open and honest, and understand the concerns and interests of the other party. They like to find creative solutions to make sure both parties are satisfied.

3. Compromising

A compromising negotiator’s main concern is doing what is fair for both parties and finding middle ground. They would rather compromise on your own outcome to satisfy the other party.

4. Avoiding

Avoiding personalities really dislike negotiations! They may try to avoid situations that may result in conflict as they find them intimidating and stressful by staying behind the scenes of a negotiation.

5. Accommodating

Accommodating negotiators spend a great deal of time building and maintaining relationships with the other party. They are highly sensitive to the emotions, relationships and body language within the negotiation situation.

Negotiation Process
1: Preparation
Preparation is instrumental to the success of the negotiation process. Preparation involves the following activities:
(i) Gathering Information: One needs to learn as much as one can about the problem and ascertain what information is needed from the other side.
(ii)  Leverage Evaluation: Evaluation of one’s leverage and the other party’s leverage at the outset is important because there may be a number of things one can do to improve one’s leverage or diminish the leverage of the other side.
(iii)  Understand the people involved: It is important to know the people with whom the negotiation is to take place.
(iv) Rapport: It is helpful to establish a rapport with the opponent during the early stages, that is, before the bargaining process begins is helpful. This was, one can determine early on how cooperative the opponent is going to be.
(v) Know your objectives: Clarity of objectives is absolutely essential. It needs to be decided in advance how much you are willing to concede to the opponent and what your priorities are. All arguments and justifications should be ready.
(vi) Type of negotiation: Anticipate the type of negotiation expected, that is, ascertain whether it will be highly competitive, cooperative or something unusual; whether the negotiation will be face to face, by fax, through a mediator, or in some other manner.
(vii) Plan: Decide on the negotiation approach and plan accordingly.
2: Opening
Here the two sides come face to face. Each party tries to make an impression on the other side and influence their thinking at the first opportunity. This phase is important because it sets the tone for the negotiation to a large extent. It involves both negotiating parties presenting their case to each other.
3: Bargaining
The bargaining involves coming closer to the objective you intended to achieve when you started the negotiation. In this phase, the basic strategy is to convince the other side of the appropriateness of your demands and then persuading the other party to concede to those demands. For this, one needs to be logical in one’s approach and frame clearly-thought-out and planned arguments.
4: Closure
The closing of a negotiation represents the opportunity to capitalize on all of the work done in the earlier phases. The research that has been done in the preparation phase, combined with all of the information that has been gained is useful in the closing phase. It also involves the sealing of the agreement in which both parties formalize the agreement in a written contract or letter of intent. Reviewing the negotiation is as important as the negotiation process itself. It teaches lessons on how to achieve a better outcome.

characteristics of negotiation?

The negotiation is presented as an activity of change, a meeting sponsored by the parties. These players can represent their own interests or defend the interests of a group, the role of negotiators in the latter case is much more complex due to the implementation of the mandate and expectations about their behavior on the one hand, and the need for agreement another, depending for that confidence margin were told. This situation generates what is called dual membership.
The meeting between the parties is a voluntary process designed to resolve differences.
The voluntary nature of it means that the parties may choose to join or not the process to settle their differences and accept any outcome.
There is always the desire not to agree, but sometimes incurring heavy losses for both sides, precisely to avoid the encounter is promoted because the protagonists depend on a decision that involves them, which a priori is not taken when deliberating, this is because there is a range of views regarding this decision that concerns them.
In this sense, negotiation is a joint exercise of decision-making, generally, we would say that the negotiations preceding a potential conflict precisely intervening to end hostilities.
As for where scoping exercises, we see that negotiation occurs in all kinds of social system contributing to its continuity.
In any social system, even in the most repressive, the established order is always a negotiated order in so far as the decision of a party involves the agreement of other parties who have some power over the first.
This phenomenon is found in all models of society as a way of permanent connection.
Negotiation enables articulate, organize and perpetuate various forms of social interaction, nations negotiate as do governments, employers and trade unions, parents and children.
As noted Chalvin, negotiation emerges as one of the last attempts to maintain social connections.
In the dynamics of the negotiation are involved the concepts of divergence and cooperation.
The effort to resolve their differences and reach a decision on the distribution of resources among the parties involved embark on a social relationship in which both together common and divergent interests, where the parties have simultaneously confronted with incentives to cooperate and incentives to compete.
Through negotiation, the parties resolve the dilemma competition – cooperation while maintaining or improving their positions and thereby protecting it from other groups or individuals. They get so keep conflict within acceptable limits, trading in this sense is not a debate, it’s a conversation without order.
Negotiating conflict is playing cooperation, the product of negotiation is formalized in terms of commitment representing roughly calculated result of a series of reciprocal concessions.
Is required in any case of a power relationship between the parties to the negotiations for this result arises. This relationship can be statutory order, the standard hierarchical can say who must negotiate and who is not.
The standard may be charismatic staff, may represent that power in their area (the oldest place)
It can be as a phenomenon of competence on the matter.
You can also represent someone who is the result of an alliance of interests between the parties.
As noted Chalvin, it is necessary to negotiate when the reasons do not require power, we would say that is not traded on principle, negotiations with a given situation of the parties.
Without any power relationship between the parties one of the parties could take unilaterally imposed obligation to the other. When the power of one is greater than the other negotiation has no reason to be and will be replaced by domination.
According to social exchange theory of Thibaut and Kelly, dependency exists when an actor results are determined by interpolation between their behavior and that of others.
Based on this principle suggests that negotiation arises from two circumstances :
The scarcity of resources creates competition among those who need the same resources on one side and the other an unequal allocation of itself that creates the need for exchange between the parties the different resources needed by each. This theory has also been studied by Bacarach Lawler.
Rubbin, summarizes the character of relationships in defining negotiation that negotiation is ultimately the very interdependence of the parties.
Trading relations between the parties, involving efforts to influence perception and the other party assessment of the situation made by tactics such demands, threats, concessions, promises, in fact each party uses its perceptual abilities to disrupt the opponent’s tactics, while the latter conveys the impression you created.
The critical tactical. Is to manipulate the perception of power through tactics such as exaggeration, the boasts and argumentation.
The negotiation about creating a mutually acceptable definition of the relationship of power that will be the most beneficial way possible for each.
At the end of the process each party is motivated to comply with mirror image received from the other party.
Each actor, you need two sets of skills to persuade the other hand the direction of boast. On the one hand the need to project or put in the place of another and otherwise pose a situation consistent with self – projected image.
If negotiation is an encounter between the protagonists, the result of confrontation during a deviation observed, requires each party holds a target to attack and leeway to reduce divergences.
It is necessary to have resources for concessions, a situation typical of negotiation is to be tactically prepared. Armed with arguments from the competitive and the cooperative aspect concessions.
The negotiation is replaced by one side in the existence of cooperation for the sake of the survival of the system.
On the other hand in maximizing the goals and interests of each party.
This individual desire to maximize the interests and collective desire to achieve an equitable, cooperative aspect involves a conflict of the parameters involved.
In this respect the loyalty and organizational integration are key elements sought to develop consensus ideology by advocating that the survival needs of the negotiation is binding on all the others and that each party has to avoid instability and maximize loyalty for the bargaining power is strong, consistent and durable.
The pattern of relations during the negotiation is sequential rather than simultaneous. The whole point is that given sequential assessment exchanges, decision, down to an acceptable result.
positive and negative effect in negotiation?

Reach an agreement between both side = in a negotiation there will be an issue that be the problem for both side , and need solve immediately from both and for both side
No one lose nor wins = because in negotiation need reach an agreement between both side , that means both side must be agree in the result of negotiation and this not about win / profit or loss
Fair and square = in the process of negotiation must be clear, and for the result for the issue that been negotiated must be good for both side
Solve any issues = between negotiation there must be an issue that arise , that the problem for both side to solve it
Clear and transparent = the negotiation need to be clear and transparent for both side , so there is no  advantage or disadvantage for one side ,  and the process in the negotiation too  need clear and transparent
Approved by both parties = this is important , because the issues arise and need to be solve immediately so the result need to be approved by both side

There must be an argument in negotiation = in the process of negotiation it will be long and pretty sure there will be anger that will be triggered the argument for both side
The situation so intense, because both side have each own preferences = because the process of negotiation is can be long  and both side fight for their own purposes , it will be complicated and intense for both parties
Conflict is inevitable = sometimes with negotiation , both side have conflict in the process of negotiation instead of an agreement for both side
Take a long time, because need to combine both sides = both parties fight their own preferences and it will take a long time to match both preferences and get a suitable result
Sometime both side at the end upset by each other= because the process is complicated , the result could be one-sided instead of fair and square and because of that it will be upset for one parties
Sometimes it wont end by one meeting= the purpose of meeting is to reach an agreement and it could be not done by a single meeting