1. Make
lists of 20 questions that you can ask in an interview.
v Tell
me about yourself
v Tell
me something that is not on your resume
v What
did you like and dislike about your previous job?
v Why
did you quit your previous job?
v How
did you find about this job?
v What
do you know about this company?
v Why
do you want this job?
v Why
should we hire you?
v Why
do you want to work in this company?
v What
are your strenghts and weaknesses?
v Can
you work in a group?
v Can
you work under pressure?
v Are
you willing to be placed outside the city?
v What
are your responsibilities?
v What
was your biggest accomplishment?
v How
do you handle stress?
v What
are you passionate about?
v What
are your goals in the future?
v How
do you overcome difficult work situation?
v What
are your salary requirement?
2. Find
lists of illegal questions (minimum 5 questions)
a. Why
each question is illegal?
b. Explain
how to answer the illegal question.
How old are you?
§ One
of the most common interview questions you will encounter is, in fact, illegal
to ask because this may lead to an age discrimination to the interviewee.
§ The
best answer for age question might be “My age is not a measurement for how my
work performance would be. It doesn’t matter if I am still young or old, I will
do my best for this company.
v Are
you married?
§ We
think it’s illegal because it’s too personal eventhough the employers often ask
that question to get a picture on our future commitment to the company.
§ We
think the best answer is “I am not quite there yet, but I’m very interested in
the carreer path at this company.”
v What
is your race?
§ it is illegal for an interviewer to make hiring decisions
based on the race which is very not-job-related.
§ The best answer might be “I believe my race doesn’t affect my
performance in this company.”
v What religious holidays do you
may want to ask you this to see if your lifestyle interferes with work
schedules, but this question reveals your religion and that's illegal.
§ The
best answer to this question might be “I practice one religion and it has its
holiday but I am available for work most of the time.”
v Have you ever been
This can be a tricky one.
Interviewers are not allowed
to ask about your arrest record. Unless you were convicted of a crime, you are
considered innocent of any offence and you are not obligated to
answer to this question.
You have the rights not to
answer this question. But if you have been convicted of crime, you are expected
to give an answer.